In 1977 Information Services was moved under the Human Resources Division. In 1975 the Director of Information Services began work on an information policy for BCIT and revived the newsletter “Developments” which enhanced internal BCIT communications. Ensuring relevant parties were aware of decisions and developments at BCIT and providing a mechanism for feedback. The first Director of Information Services was recruited in 1975 and was responsible for information dissemination among BCIT staff, students, faculty and the public. It was known as Information Services although the term “communications” was used to describe its duties and responsibilities. The Marketing and Communications Department started as an area of service provided under the Executive Director, Personnel, Student Services and Information Services. Thom created three new Executive Directorships in this year: Technology and Education Administration and Personnel, Information Services and Student Services. The BCIT Marketing and Communications Department began in 1974 in conjunction with BCIT’s first year as an autonomous entity under a Board of Governors rather than under the direct control of the British Columbia Department of Education.