Rather, 5G has been designed primarily to open up new use cases for businesses where speed, reliability and reduced latency are critical. 5G now promises to profoundly change wireless technology as well as society, and not just by simply improving 4G. The technology that enables wireless communication between devices has, over the last four decades, delivered first voice services and later mobile data and the Internet. Index Terms - 5G Technology, Augment Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), latency, IoT, automation, smart grids. While this long-term perspective is quite remarkable, in the coming years it will mean above all faster network connections with enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) services.ĥg will create the conditions for new business opportunities based on data and connectivity that will transform many industries.
The introduction of 5G wireless technology marks the leap into a new age of 'hyperconnectivity', enabling the connection and interaction of billions of people and things while promising to unleash the potential of technology fields such as Artificial Intelligence or Extended Reality.